Toni-Ann Bradey


An Administrative Officer provides day-to-day administrative support to a company or organization. Administrative Officers handle administrative tasks like answering telephone calls, scheduling meetings, preparing reports and filing documents.

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Turtles for Christmas
Last week, NEPA issued a press release informing us that the peak period for sea turtle nesting in Jamaica had ended, and the hatching season had begun. Sea turtle eggs hatch 60 – 80 days after they are laid, depending on their species and the weather.
December 20, 2022
Summer Fun
This is the time of year when parents are wondering what to do with their children while they’re out of school. Often, summer camp is the answer but it’s not easy finding one that makes everybody happy. It has to be affordable and enjoyable, safe and convenient. It’s also nice if it teaches children a new skill or develops an existing one.
July 19, 2022
Dust in the Wind
As the Saharan Air Layer (SAL) carries its dusty load from Africa to the Americas, the grains of dust reflect some of the sun’s heat, keeping the sea surface under the clouds cooler than it would otherwise have been. This cooling effect can block or slow the development of hurricanes, which need the updraft from warm water to gain strength. However, there is more to the relationship between dust clouds and tropical storms than just sea surface cooling.
July 19, 2022
Dust, and more dust
The Sahara Dust season in the tropical Atlantic generally starts and finishes about a month ahead of the hurricane season. It produces spells of strange weather – there’s a thin haze that isn’t fog, sunrise and sunset produce big stretches of brilliant colour, and a thin film of dirt seems to be getting into everything.
July 19, 2022
Father’s Day
Sunday, June 18, will be Father’s Day in many parts of the world. It’s a day to show some respect to all the fathers who support and care for their families – not as big a deal as Mother’s Day, perhaps, but a special occasion all the same.
July 19, 2022
People, Get Ready part 2
The hurricane forecasting season reached its peak a couple of weeks ago, just as the storm season was about to get under way. NOAA delivered its 2017 outlook at the end of a week of public education, much of which was spent showing off a battery of new tools for observation and data processing. The agency gives a 70% probability to a season with 11–17 named storms of which 5–9 become hurricanes, with 2-4 major hurricanes.
July 19, 2022
Happy Birthday, MBMPT
This weekend, the Marine Park Trust will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of its establishment. In fact, the history of the Marine Park and the Trust began in the 1970s. It took nearly 20 years of tireless work – endless plans and proposals, meetings and presentations, hours of careful diplomacy and occasional acts of outright war – to get formal legal protection and management for what is now the Marine Park.
July 19, 2022
Going to Work
The nation’s environmental managers are between a rock and a hard place. A clean healthy environment isn’t a luxury. It may be a matter of life and death. But it has no place in Government’s funding lineup, and Government has no money anyway. So we’re on our own and it’s time to stop complaining and go to work. Labour Day is a good time to start
July 19, 2022
Mother’s Day
This Sunday is Mother’s Day, a time to celebrate the people who do the world’s hardest job. Among sea creatures, there isn’t very much mothering or family life as people know them. Only the mammals – manatees, whales and dolphins – nurse and protect their children until they are well grown, but there’s still a lot of mothering going on and some of it is very hard work.
July 19, 2022
Trouble With Drains
Last week, drains became a hot button issue on both coasts. In Clarendon, residents and officials were still looking for someone or something to blame for an estimated $500 million in flood damage. In Falmouth, the mayor needed $8.5 million to do something about the “filthy” appearance of the town. In both cases, the local drains are getting most of the blame.
July 19, 2022
Water, Water Everywhere…
Since the beginning of the year, the Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology has been forecasting a more or less normal shift from dry season to wet.
May 3, 2022
People, Get Ready part 3
In the latter half of May it seemed there was just too much to think about. The COVID lockdowns and curfews continued.
October 9, 2018
Taking out the Trash
Last Friday, Jamaica Environment Trust planned to launch the 2021 International Coastal Cleanup. The actual event is intended to take place over two days, Saturday September 18 and Sunday September 19, COVID restrictions permitting.
September 29, 2021
Happy Earth Day!
Every year on April 22, Earth Day asks us to take the environment personally. From its modest beginnings in 1970, the idea has grown and spread.
May 3, 2022
People, Get Ready!
The official start of the Atlantic hurricane season is still six weeks away, though recent history suggests we could see at least one early storm.
May 3, 2022
Mother’s Day
This Sunday is Mother’s Day, a time to celebrate the people who do the world’s hardest job.
October 9, 2018
People, Get Ready part 2
It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts. Vel qui et ad voluptatem.
October 9, 2018