
The Montego Bay Marine Park Trust was established in 1991 after nearly thirty years of conservation advocacy to oversee Jamaica’s first marine park through the sustainable management of marine and coastal resources. As a membership-based organization, the Trust is led by an elected Board of Directors and managed by a professional staff that works alongside public and private partners to raise environmental awareness and promote stewardship while protecting and restoring this national treasure.  The Trust is tasked with managing a 15 square kilometer park and two Special Fishery Conservation Areas in Jamaica’s tourism capital and home to over 100,000 residents. The Trust is an environmental Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) and registered non-profit in compliance with The Charities Act, 2013.

Generating Awareness

Care & Protect Jamaica

It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar.

Launched in 2014, the Trust’s Care and Protect Jamaica (CPJ) programme has provided educational opportunities for nearly 10,000 students.

It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar.

Mobilizing Communities

International Costal Cleanup

International Coastal Cleanup is one of the largest
all-island activities and a core programme for raising public awareness about land based sources of pollution.

restoring habitats

Wetlands Replenishment

It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar.

The Montego Bay Marine Park Trust celebrates World Wetlands Day annually to raise awareness and restore mangrove wetlands that have been adversely impacted by weather and human activity.


The Trust’s program, management and administrative team is responsible for developing the plans, securing the financing, and generating the involvement that helps us attain our mission.

While all of our staff are involved in outreach and awareness building, our Park Rangers are authorized officers under the Marine Park Regulations and represent the front-line of the Trust’s enforcement role. Their duties are carried out on the water, under the water and throughout the community.  Accordingly, Park Rangers have undergone extensive training in Life Guard Certification, Coxwain Licensing, SCUBA certification and law enforcement.

While each Ranger has his or her own personal strengths, Rangers are regularly called upon for educational presentations, search and rescue missions, field support activities, and in response to breaches of the Park Regulations. 

board of directors
Management, Administration & rangers

It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar.

Hugh Shim
Executive Director
Antoinette Green
Alair Lumbley
Administrative Assistant
Sharlinda Forrester
Science, Research, Education & Outreach Officer
Toni-Ann Bradey
Maureen Burnett
Office Assistant
Shavelle Service
Senior Park Ranger
Dominic Singh
Park Ranger
Anthony Rhoden
Park Ranger
Caroline Silsbury
Researcher, Writer
Tena Bernard
Social Media Officer


Conserving and restoring the coastal resources of Montego Bay for the maximum sustainable benefit to traditional users, the community and the nation – the Montego Bay Marine Park Trust provides effective programmes for public education, financial support, monitoring and interpretive enforcement.

As the local steward of public protected areas, the Trust maintains collaborative partnerships with the Government of Jamaica, including the National Environment and Planning Authority (NEPA) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.  

This partnership is cemented through Memoranda of Understanding and guided by annual work plans that help align the Trust’s work with national objectives and international treaties.  These agreements also serve as the basis for the Trust’s formal appointment as Marine Park and Fish Sanctuary Manager.


Numerous laws have been enacted in support of the protection and sustainable use of coastal resources in Montego Bay. Our job is to ensure that visitors to the park are aware of and follow these regulations.

The most frequently referenced laws by park staff is the Natural Resources Conservation (Marine Parks) Regulations (1992). This document outlines specific accepted and/or prohibited park uses, along with the penalties for violations.  The Amendment, which can be found here includes an updated fine schedule.  Of equal importance is the Fishing Industry Act Regulations which outlines similar provisions, but with a focus on Special Fishery Conservation Areas (Bogue and Airport Point).

A comprehensive list of other relevant laws can be found on the NEPA website, including:

Marine Park Order (1992) – Established the Montego Bay Marine Park
Beach Control Regulations (1956) and Amendment
Permits and Licenses Regulations and Amendment for permits associated with research activities within the park.  

*Refer to Fishing Industry Act Regulations for additional permitting requirements within Special Fisher Conservation Areas.

It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar.

proud history

Jamaica's First National Marine Park

Throughout the 1960’s, famed underwater explorer, Jacques Cousteau made a habit of exploring the shallow water reefs just outside of Montego Bay.  Along the likes of Harry Belafonte, JFK, and other celebrities who found respite in the tranquil coves of The Bay, Cousteau helped fuel MoBay’s popularity as atop-rate dive destination. As the city’s population grew, however, the dive community began to notice that the health of surrounding reefs were declining.  Fishermen were also growing increasingly alarmed by their deteriorating catches.  Preliminary studies were launched and indicated that coastal development, water pollution and unsustainable fishing practices were largely to blame.

After years of grass-roots lobbying, a small protected area was declared off the popular Doctor’s Cave Beach in 1974.  Though important, it neglected the broader seascape of fringing reefs, mangrove wetlands and sea-grass beds that were truly responsible for making the area unique.

In a promising move, the Bogue Lagoon was established as a Fish Sanctuary in1979.  This afforded legal protection to a significant tract of mangrove wetlands and fish nurseries, but left to self-regulation, it failed to demonstrate the intended spillover effects.  In the face of continuing deterioration (and community skepticism as to the benefits of conservation), the international dive press fingered government inaction as the cause of coral decline.  In the face of a rapidly crumbling industry, the local dive community launched a frontal assault for the establishment of a larger, more meaningful, and actively managed protected area.

After decades of fits and starts, Jamaica’s first national park was created in 1992,along with the Trust who was to oversee its management.  By 1996, the Natural Resources and Conservation Authority (NRCA) had delegated management of the Park to the Montego Bay Marine Park Trust under an innovative co-management agreement. With this responsibility, came with the expectation that the Trust would also generate the financing needed to run the park. 

While some support was derived from intermittent projects (USAID and World Bank), the Government of Jamaica could only provide limited financial assistance. Vacillating support has obligated the Trust to subsidize its own work through fund-raising, projects and annually renewable management agreements with key partners.

July 1970
Noticeable Marine Damage & Reduced Fish Size

March 1974
Beach Control Order of 1974

February 1979
Jamaica's First Fish Sanctuary (Bouge Island Lagoon)

Divers begin to notice the reduced fish size and the damage to the marine environment.

October 1986
Ministry of Tourism Marine Park Action Committee

August 1992
Montego Bay Marine Park Declared

June 2009
The Montego Bay Marine Park's Airport Point Fish Sanctuary designated under the Fisheries Act