On Sale.
Glass Bottom Boat Tour
Come with your family, your organisation or plan a school trip! There are many fun, learning activities to explore. Schools & other large groups qualify for discounts!*
$ 69.00 USD
$ 35.00 USD
$ 35.00 USD
This tour provides the experience you need to widen your scope of environmental awareness. You will tour the Airport Point Sanctuary viewing natural and man-made coastal features and learn a little history of Montego Bay. Along the coast, you'll see different species of fish, coral reef and seagrass ecosystems through the boat's glass. Tour Duration: 1 hr - 1 hr 30 mins
This tour provides the experience you need to widen your scope of environmental awareness. You will tour the Airport Point Sanctuary viewing natural and man-made coastal features and learn a little history of Montego Bay. Along the coast, you'll see different species of fish, coral reef and seagrass ecosystems through the boat's glass. Tour Duration: 1 hr - 1 hr 30 mins
ImPoRtant Notes
- Length of tour: 45 minutes - 1 hour
- Be at least 20 minutes early for tour
- Bring reuseable cups & water bottles
- Food and drinks allowed